Lucas Ventura


Lucas Ventura - professional session drummer and drum instructor. Drum lessons in the Boise Idaho region.

Filtering by Tag: Boise

Ida Ho Ho

This year I am blessed to have been able to participate in the Ida Ho Ho annual music charity event. We did a concert that I didn't blog about, but we also did an album, on which I contributed drums to a couple of tracks:

The first of these tracks, "Holly Chase" is an original song written by my wife Lindsey Hunt, and recorded/produced by Steve Fulton at the Audio Lab. The song is based on a character in the book "The Afterlife of Holly Chase" by Cynthia Hand.
The second track is a reworking of the traditional song we all know, with some fun funky pseudo-reggae jamminess to it.

The CD's are limited and available at The Record Exchange, and all proceeds go to benefit the Women's and Children's Alliance.

Sound of Ceres

So, back in the day when I was playing with Races, we got to do a very cool show at The Echo with a band called Candy Claws. In a period of time in my life where all the shows and bands kind of bleed together in my memory, they were one of the few bands that stood out as being both very cool musically, and also really enjoyable people off the stage.

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Boise ID

Welcome to my website!
I'm excited to finally have a representation of myself as a drummer on the internet. There have been many bands I've been a part of that have included my reflection as a part of the whole, but never something I've had that was just to represent myself individually. Similarly, I've often kept a web presence and blogs of different sorts in the past, but never something dedicated solely to my life as a drummer.

That being said, here is my obligatory first post.

I moved to Boise just recently, in October of 2014. I had been living in Los Angeles for the past twelve years as a professional musician (although some of those years were certainly more professional than others). Though I have always been playing in bands, I gradually shifted from being a teacher in LA to being a session player and touring drummer. For the past several years, my life was dedicated to being on the road touring.
My move here to Boise was a big change not just in leaving LA, but also in starting a new family. With that responsibility entering my life, touring doesn't make as much sense as it used to. So, that was a big reason for getting this website going- I decided to re-focus on teaching, as well as playing sessions.
Already my start out here has been a good one. I've been lucky to get some really great gigs with Magic Sword, Steve Fulton, and Jonathan Warren and the Billygoats. Some other cool gigs are coming together for summer and fall, too. And the first students I've signed up are absolutely ideal. They're excited about the instrument, do their homework, have very supportive parents, and are a real pleasure to teach!

All in all, it's a great start. I'm grateful to be in such a beautiful city. I still remember the first time I toured through Idaho, I never could have imagined I would end up living here! It just goes to show, you never can know where you're going to end up in life.

Thanks for taking a look at my website, and I hope to see you soon.
